WordPress Subdomains using pages and SEO
WordPress is a platform first used by bloggers but now empowers alot of ecommerce stores and websites with different tools, so the built-in features need a lot of expanding as per user requirements, So the wordpress plugin repository comes handy with some existing marketplaces like codecanyon and webostock.
So creating a subdomain with WordPress we have two options either install another WordPress on our subdomain or create a WordPress Multi Site installation, both cases are bit lengthy, time consuming and complex. What if we could just have a checkbox while creating pages to convert them to Subdomains?
Well luckily a plugin exists called WordPress Page As Subdomain this allows any page to be converted to subdomain without any hassle or any further installations of WordPress, the only pre-requisite we need is the setting up WildCard Subdomain, after which any number of subdomains can be created by simply creating pages, which i guess is great success for content creators to manage their content on subdomains as well, the usage of subdomain has become very common for websites for various reasons including search engine optimization.
The plugin also offers a free version available on WordPress.org plugin repository which can be found here. Page As Subdomain Lite.